Hiking The Black Forest Germany 2024

If you are looking for up-to-date information about Hiking The Black Forest Germany in 2024, there is a lot of change to take note of. Many hotels, restaurants and other amenities in The Black Forest have closed over the last 4 years. German trains and busses were know for their punctuality and predictability – that […]

New hiking tour from Baden-Baden launching in 2024

HIking Tour Baden Baden

In the past years our hiking tours focussed on the Central Black Forest (Offenburg area) and the Southern Black Forest (Freiburg area). We have gotten several requests from visitors if we can introduce a hiking tour ending in Baden-Baden. And yes -we can! We are super excited to introduce our newest tour to you today: […]

Tour Gegenbach

We offer tours to Gegenbach. Gegenbach is located in southwestern part of The Black Forest. There are several ways to experience this beautiful town like a local. We offer many hikes and walking routes around Gegenbach and the surrounding area. Let us know if you would like to visit. We will customize a tour just […]